Free Check-up and Medicine Allocation for Nearly 300 Patients

On the occasion of the 69th war martyrs, war invalids’ anniversary July 27th, An Thới and Bùi Hữu Nghĩa wards of Bình Thủy urban district in cooperation with Mekong Medicine-Pharmacy secondary school have organized free check-ups and medicine allocation for policy-classified families in the area.

3_FreeCheckUp_24072016Free Check-up

Around 300 patients who are members of policy-classified families, poor families were given check- ups and granted medicines free of charge and given advices on healthcare.

3_Gifts_24072016Giving gifts to patients

On this occasion, each patient was presented 1 gift at the combined value of over VND 90 million./.

Translated by Xuân Trang

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